Party Finder Mobile App

The challenge was to design a mobile app to assist users in the tabletop gaming community in finding local gaming sessions.
Boise State University
Spring 2021
UX / UI Designer
Tools Used
Adobe Creative Suites


To begin this project, I did some research to become more familiar with the challenge so that I’d have a baseline understanding of the product’s target market, and what issues it would specifically solve. I conducted an internet research survey to explore what challenges users were facing when attempting to find gaming groups to play with around them.

After reviewing the survey data and identifying some common threads, I was able to outline key findings:

Active Players
  • Of participants actively playing in a group, 90% had an easy time finding theirs to play in.
  • Scheduling is the most common challenge with groups meeting up.
  • 60% have participated in a hybrid of in-person and remote games, but of those, a majority preferred in-person.
New Players
  • Introduced into the hobby from various online media sources.
  • Primarily interested in the storytelling element of tabletop games.
  • 71% of new users would prefer a mixed group of new and experienced players.
  • 85% would prefer their Dungeon Master (DM) to be experienced.
  • 57% of new users identified finding a group as the least appealing aspect of playing in tabletop games, followed closely by 43% in learning the rules.
Survey Findings
  • 55 responses (60% men in their 20s and 30s).
  • Experience level ranged from beginner to veteran, 33% rated themselves experienced.
  • 80% of participants joined their group due to friends or associates.
  • Experience in finding a group ranged from great to terrible, depending on connections.

Next, I synthesized my survey findings to define the problems the product would ideally solve.  I went about this by using the How Might We Method of design thinking. This allowed me to focus and summarize on these important questions:

  • How might we design an app that makes it easier for users to connect with one another?
  • How might we make it easier for users to find groups they get along and vibe with?
  • How might we make it easier for players to meet up for scheduled games consistently?
  • How might we make it easier for new players to get into the tabletop gaming community?

By returning to my project brief and reflecting on my user’s primary concerns and needs, I was able to identify key business & user goals. Design decisions from that point onward needed to be made with these in mind.

Business Goals

  • Enable users to locally connect with others to play tabletop games.
  • Enable users to find and create groups that fit their gaming needs.
  • Appeal to a wide variety of individuals regardless of experience.
  • Help foster a sense of community amongst local gamers.
  • Become recognized as an effective way to connect tabletop gamers with one another.

Shared Goals

  • Simple yet impactful mobile app usability.
  • Appealing and unobtrusive features.
  • Highly intuitive and esthetically pleasing user interface and user experience.
  • Account creation and customization.
  • Clear privacy and notification settings.
  • Trustworthy business model.
  • Transparency about GPS data usage.

User Goals

  • Make friends with similar tabletop gaming interests.
  • Find a group with a desired playstyle.
  • Consistently meet with their group on an easy-to-follow schedule.
  • Minimize poor experiences with gaming groups and strangers.
  • Have fun!

Interaction Design

By returning to my project brief and reflecting on my user’s primary concerns and needs, I was able to identify key business & user goals. Design decisions from that point onward needed to be made with these in mind.

After the initial wireframing, I decided to prioritize profile customization and forum communication, as this would be the main feature that assists users in finding groups with similar interests.

Throughout the wireframing process, I kept user accessibility at the forefront while referencing competitor design patterns.

Branding and UI Design

During the project, I faced the exciting challenge of naming the product and determining its visual design direction. Initially, I lacked clarity regarding the app's name and overall design direction. To spark inspiration, I turned to idea boards on Pinterest, where I brainstormed various elements of a traditional tabletop game that held personal significance.

After exploring multiple options, I decided to base the mobile app's design on a traditional Dungeons & Dragons character sheet. This concept aimed to evoke a sense of nostalgia among veteran players while introducing new players to a modern interpretation of a classic aesthetic. By incorporating elements from the character sheet, the design would create a familiar and immersive experience.

In terms of UI design, I opted for a relatively simple approach. The focus was on usability and clarity, ensuring that users could easily navigate and access features. Pops of color were strategically used to highlight important elements and convey relevant information, providing visual cues and enhancing the overall user experience.

By merging traditional aesthetics with modern design principles, I aimed to strike a balance between familiarity and innovation. The character sheet-inspired design would resonate with existing players while also captivating new users, fostering a sense of engagement and interest in the app.